Web service ThaiBMA Web Services set up a seamless automatic communication between two electronic devices over a web-based channel, providing the most cost-effective, top quality, and robust solution for bond data extraction and calculation. Why ThaiBMA Web Services? No More Mundane/Repetitive/Tedious Tasks ThaiBMA Web Services help you cut out the mundane, repetitive, and tedious work of having to manually extract the data from ThaiBMA’s huge database. No More Human Errors ThaiBMA Web Services resolve mistakes caused by human errors by extracting and pushing the data directly from our system to your system. No More Time-Consuming ThaiBMA Web Services take all the time-consuming data extraction off your hands to help give you more time to spend on your analysis and day-to-day operations. The delivery schedules are fully customizable to meet your specific requirements. No More Confusion ThaiBMA Bond Calculation Service is very user-friendly and easy to operate, complying with market conventions and using the same pricing formula & decimal rounding as those used in iBond and ThaiBMA websites. With ThaiBMA Web Services, You Can Have It All: Bond Feature & Cash Flow Bond Intraday Trading Bond Calculations Bond Index (Index Level) Yield Curve (Government Bond Yield Curve and Zero Coupon Yield Curve) Plain vanilla Mark-to-Market (Upon main package) RP Reference Yield Service à la Carte: customized web services of your choice แบบฟอร์ม/คู่มือที่เกี่ยวข้อง • Application Form for Web Service No Subject Download 1 สำหรับหน่วยงานสมาชิกของสมาคม (รายชื่อสมาชิกสมาคม: http://www.thaibma.or.th/EN/Trader/DealerMembers.aspx) 2 สำหรับหน่วยงานอื่นๆ For more details, please contact Bond Pricing & Product Development Department at telephone no. (66) 2257 0357 ext. 451 or pricing@thaibma.or.th